Lavinia ThompsonApr 4, 2019Prompt 2 - BirdRunaway Bird A heart like a runaway bird flapping frantically, wings that can’t escape this town fast enough. A plumage hued like...
Lavinia ThompsonApr 2, 2019Caged - a poetry challenge for AprilI am trying out this challenge for April that's circulating on Tumblr - a month of prompts inspired by the poetry of the amazing Maya...
Lavinia ThompsonMar 30, 2019The FilterIt is the shade in which lovers see. A filter of that specific hue from their first summer sunset together lingers in their eyes; through...
Lavinia ThompsonMar 8, 2019Musings: This is my MeadowSometimes I'm living my life in a rearview mirror. There are so many moments here and now I should be living for. Soaking in. Because...
Lavinia ThompsonFeb 14, 2019Remember to Love Yourself FirstThis is the first Valentine’s Day I have spent single in eight years. Eight. Years. This means I spent 80 per cent of my 20s in one...