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Blog by Lavinia Thompson
Broken Flashbacks
My Books
Beyond Dark
1: Belladonna
2: Gravedigger
Martha Holmes Mysteries
1: The Lost Girls
2: The Bitter Obsession
Degrees of Monstrosity
Writing Blog
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gye yeol Lee
Lavinia Thompson
Oct 3, 2021
Well, summer definitely wasn’t what it should have been. Or what I planned. I’ve been inactive on my blog and newsletter because my...
Lavinia Thompson
Sep 19, 2021
Book Review: "A Tangled Web" by Leslie Rule
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(5/5 stars) MINDBLOWN. If you want a book that completely messes with your mind and then unravels everything into a wild but...
Lavinia Thompson
Jul 26, 2021
Strange Obsessions Pt 2: The Zodiac Killer
Rock and roll, peace symbols, flower children, hippies and lots of drugs. Many remember 1969 as the summer of love, with fondness and...
Lavinia Thompson
Jul 17, 2021
Book Review: "The Five" by Hallie Rubenhold
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5 stars) If you’re seeking yet another book about who someone believes they know Jack the Ripper’s true identity – this...
Lavinia Thompson
Jun 26, 2021
Book Review: "Highway of Tears" by Jessica McDiarmid
I finished this book in a puddle of feelings and tears. I knew even before taking it off the store shelf it would be packed with sorrow,...
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