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Blog by Lavinia Thompson
Broken Flashbacks
My Books
Beyond Dark
1: Belladonna
2: Gravedigger
Martha Holmes Mysteries
1: The Lost Girls
2: The Bitter Obsession
Degrees of Monstrosity
Writing Blog
Background image by
gye yeol Lee
Lavinia Thompson
Sep 17, 2023
Family Murder Mystery (Part 6): The Other Man
The death of a beloved father, a respected sailor, and devoted husband would cast ripples in the waters in which he died for many years...
Lavinia Thompson
Aug 10, 2023
Poem: Wreckage and Ashes
Sometimes rain whispers gently across prairies, upon wildflower petals, soaking the earth, quenching a thirst for life; soaking me with...
Lavinia Thompson
Jun 23, 2023
Six Years Later: the Landslide, the Dark Road, and the Light Leading Back
The ocean tides that have made up the last six years of my life came and went, sometimes with a ferocious rage, sometimes with a feeble...
Lavinia Thompson
Jun 8, 2023
When Unearthing Poisoned Roots Becomes Healing
In this minuscule span of time we call a life, we spent much of it scrambling for reason, purpose, a way to be remembered, and clinging...
Lavinia Thompson
May 17, 2023
Book Review: "The Attic At Wilton Place" by C.E. Rose
This was quite the read: a needy, insecure girl named Ruth with a complicated relationship with her emotionally unavailable mother, yet...
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