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Writer's pictureLavinia Thompson

Look at me, a new aesthetic!

This is a quick update! Actually, low key an excuse to show off the exquisite revamp this blog has gone through. (More on that later.) I realize it has once again been a while. The truth is, I never really know what to do with a blog but go on occasional life or writing-related rants so here we are.

There are a few updates regarding “Beyond Dark 1: Belladonna”. Edits on my end are DONE. Which means it goes off to the editor soon and will be ready to publish this fall sometime, winter at the latest. This is exciting times. A start to new era of life for me. I’ve been saying that for a while now, but that’s truly what this is. I am growing out of who I was in my 20s, the multiple versions of me I was throughout that decade. It’s a journey, and this is another step in that journey.

“Beyond Dark” has shown me what kind of writer I want to be, and what kind of writer I am capable of being. I am so proud of how far the book has come from incipience to its release into the world. I hope everyone comes to adore these characters the way I have, and to enjoy the struggles and triumphs of their stories. I promise, this is only the beginning. This will be a long series and I am committed to see it through. I believe in it.

With that being said, I have contemplated what I want this blog to be, how it can accompany my journey as a writer outside of being an occasional ranting space. Since I now post all my poetry on Wattpad, updates on this blog are even less consistent. But here are some things I am considering:

- Discussions of what inspires each book of the series, from the crime to the characters.

- Share some more character aesthetics and profile snippets.

- Posts about specific serial killers I find fascinating (as I am forever coming across those) and perhaps some dissecting of psychology?

I guess I am still discovering my “author brand” so to speak. It changes as does the soul.

Feel free to let me know what you think of the new aesthetic and to suggest ideas for future content! Stay well, everyone!

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